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GUMINASE-P is a specialized product designed for the brewing industry, specifically for breweries using raw wheat or raw barley in their brewing process. This unique mixture contains fungal ß-glucanases, pentosanases, amylases, and endoproteases, all carefully selected to enhance the wort extract yield and improve the wort filtration rate.One of the main purposes of GUMINASE-P is to increase the wort extract yield by breaking down the cell wall constituents, thereby improving the gelatinization of starch granules. This enables amylases to more effectively reach their substrate in cases where high levels of raw wheat or barley are used in the brewing process. By degrading these cell wall constituents, GUMINASE-P helps to improve the overall efficiency and yield of the brewing process.In addition to increasing extract yield, GUMINASE-P also improves the wort filtration rate. By hydrolyzing ß-glucans and pentosanes, this product enhances the filtration process, resulting in a smoother and more efficient filtration process.GUMINASE-P is best used at temperatures between 45-55°C, and it performs optimally within a pH range of 4.5-6.5. This product is typically added at the beginning of the mash process to ensure maximum effectiveness.Available in powder form, GUMINASE-P comes in plastic or cardboard drums weighing 25-50 kg, providing breweries with a convenient and efficient storage option.To illustrate the effectiveness of GUMINASE-P, an example is provided of a brewing scenario involving 100% raw wheat, exogenous amylases, and GUMINASE-P. The rates of GUMINASE-P relative to the amount of wheat grains used are expressed as a percentage. The resulting data shows the impact of GUMINASE-P on extract yield, total sugars, maltose, maltotriose, glucose, and free amino nitrogen, as well as the filtration rate.When it comes to brewing with raw wheat or raw barley, GUMINASE-P is an essential tool for enhancing efficiency, optimizing extract yield, and improving the overall quali.