• Date of publication: 31 August 2020
  • 1340
  • everything-for-business.com
  • The supplier of Apogee printing equipment sold to US HP for $ 0.5 billion


    The manufacturer of computers and printers HP Inc. signed a final agreement on the acquisition of the British print service provider Apogee

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The manufacturer of computers and printers HP Inc. signed a final agreement on the acquisition of the British print service provider Apogee


Apogee concludes long-term contracts for the supply and sale of equipment and services for printing, in particular consumables. The company is a partner of HP Inc., as well as other major printer manufacturers, including Xerox, Konica Minolta, Kyocera and Canon. Apogee employs about 1,000 people, and its annual revenue is more than $ 300 million.

The publication CRN believes that the transaction for the purchase of Apogee leads desire Inc. earn on the transition of the market towards sales of contractual services, as well as on the ongoing updating of copying technology format A3.

In HP Inc. promised that even after the deal, Apogee will have the same commercial relationship with HP Inc., as well as with any other "premium partners", providing access to the same tools and programs.

The change in ownership should not prevent Apogee from developing as an independent subsidiary, which will offer the same financial terms of cooperation as HP Inc. Meanwhile, the American manufacturer will try to apply any Apogee tools and methodology to develop its partner business.

