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Online 1 December 2023 Joined since December 2023
Online 1 December 2023 Joined since December 2023

OC3 AG is a company that specializes in the production of exponential materials for the energy-oriented industries. With the use of state-of-the-art technologies, OC3 AG aims to meet the specific needs of these sectors. Energy plays a crucial role in our daily lives, shaping the way we live, interact, and progress. Energy efficiency is a fundamental concept that drives every action of every living organism in the universe. At OC3 AG, our mission is to enable people to produce clean energy with maximum efficiency and store it in the most convenient way possible, thereby protecting the environment from potential energy losses. We are dedicated to engineering the best solutions every day because we believe it is achievable.

One of our notable products is Solarion, which contributes significantly to the development of the solar industry. We specialize in providing solar solutions for large flat roofs with PVC, EVA, or TPO plastic roofing materials. Our Solarion M210T and M210P solar modules empower our customers to achieve sustainable and competitive energy generation through the use of clean solar energy.

For more information about OC3 AG and our products, please feel free to contact us via telephone, fax, or email. You can also visit our website at

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