Selling a grain processing complex in the village of Pasitseli

Ukraine, Odessa Oblast, Odessa - view exact location

Commercial Real Estate information

Terms of alienation: Simple sale

Owned Area Size: 2000 sq.m.

Owned Land Size: 2000 sq.m.


Selling a complex - grain processing. mlinnius. Odeska region. Baltsky district. from. Pasiceli. zagoloscheyu area: 2000 sq. m. to be stored at the pasta shop "A". with an area of ​​245.1 sq. m .. main line "a". with an area of ​​29.8 sq.m .. mlyn "B". with an area of ​​336.2 sq.m .. shed "B". pit "B1" is acceptable. warehouse "G". with an area of ​​736.1 sq.m .. filling shop "D". with an area of ​​120.0 sq.m .. groats workshop "Є". zalouschey area 435.7 sq.m .. pribudova "Zh". with an area of ​​42.8 sq.m .. pribudova "Z". with an area of ​​8.4 sq.m .. wagon "I". with an area of ​​30.4 sq.m .. shed "II". navєs "K". gank "No. 1". Vagovy complex 30t. Possession of the Mlynny complex. 40t / add. Grain variety possession 100t / add. Grain storage system 60t / add. Basht "Rozhnovskogo". Line electric power supply. Complete transformer station KTP-250. Artezianska sverdlovina. Price $ 27.000. Bargain.