Selling a grain processing complex in the village of Pasitseli
Odessa Oblast, Odessa
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Commercial Real Estate information
Terms of alienation: Simple sale
Owned Area Size: 2000 sq.m.
Owned Land Size: 2000 sq.m.
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Selling a complex - grain processing. mlinnius. Odeska region. Baltsky district. from. Pasiceli. zagoloscheyu area: 2000 sq. m. to be stored at the pasta shop "A". with an area of 245.1 sq. m .. main line "a". with an area of 29.8 sq.m .. mlyn "B". with an area of 336.2 sq.m .. shed "B". pit "B1" is acceptable. warehouse "G". with an area of 736.1 sq.m .. filling shop "D". with an area of 120.0 sq.m .. groats workshop "Є". zalouschey area 435.7 sq.m .. pribudova "Zh". with an area of 42.8 sq.m .. pribudova "Z". with an area of 8.4 sq.m .. wagon "I". with an area of 30.4 sq.m .. shed "II". navєs "K". gank "No. 1". Vagovy complex 30t. Possession of the Mlynny complex. 40t / add. Grain variety possession 100t / add. Grain storage system 60t / add. Basht "Rozhnovskogo". Line electric power supply. Complete transformer station KTP-250. Artezianska sverdlovina. Price $ 27.000. Bargain.