Urgent sale of an existing cheese factory
Ukraine, Kharkiv Oblast, Kharkiv - view exact locationFinancial information
Payback period: On request
Gross Revenue: On request
Profit: On request
Cash flow: On request
Business information
Form of Ownership: Share ownership
Business status: Operating business
Terms of alienation: Simple sale
Number of staff: On request
Lifetime period: 44 year(s)
- Available on:
- English
- Український
Urgent sale of the operating profitable business as a part of the property complex with the area of 14614 sq.m, and also residential real estate with the total area of 150 sq.m. Private AT "Belykobyplytsky Cipopobny Zavod". TM "Cipy Byplyka" Production capacity with milk intake up to 400 tons per day and hours of each), - processes for the production of solid chips up to 32 tons per day (4 types of SCWARTE (Germany), 16 tons each) and a line for 20 types of plants - processes for the production of dairy products up to 12 tons per day. Catching and storage camps are stored at 530+ tons. Also, there are chambers of storage of production with a temperature of +2 +6 degrees on 250 tons of production and a deep-frozen chamber of up to -20 degrees on 200 tons of production. The warehouse for storage of these dairy products has increased by 500 tons. The company after the reconstruction of 2011 so far - overhaul of all production areas and premises ь, зaмінa кoмyнікaцій, тexнічнoгo і тexнoлoгічнoгo тpyбoпpoвoдy, мoнтaж нoвoї пpипливнo-витяжнoї вeнтиляції виpoбничиx цexів і дільниць, зaмінa вcієї cилoвoї eлeктpoпpoвoдки і щитів yпpaвління тa пoвнa peкoнcтpyкція cтaнції cтиcнeнoгo пoвітpя (пoвітpянa кoмпpecopнa пoтyжніcтю 16 мeтpів в xвилинy). Modernization has been carried out Technological processes with the state of control automation and process control. The production is fully equipped with all technological equipment and storage facilities. The company has its own railway type, freight terminal, customs terminal, airport. Become the owner of the production business "Belykobyplytsky and a factory "! The starting price is $ 1. Make a proposal! Meeting with the owner's representative and demonstrations of the company - only 2 days: November 29 and December 1, 2021. The plant will be sold at the price of the best offer on December 3, 2021. Call and sign up for a review! Agents and brokers - 3%.