Sugar factory near the Odessa port

Ukraine, Odessa Oblast, Ovidiopol - view exact location

Financial information

Payback period: On request

Gross Revenue: On request

Profit: On request

Cash flow: On request

Business information

Form of Ownership: Ltd

Business status: Not operating business

Terms of alienation: Simple sale

Number of staff: On request

Lifetime period: On request


Not operating Sugar factory is for sale!
Near the port of Odessa.
The plant is located in Zelenogorskoe, Lyubashevskiy district, Odessa region.
160 kilometers from the port of Odessa, 20 kilometers from the Kiev-Odessa highway.
On the territory of the plant there are railway tracks included in the general railway of Ukraine, which will provide excellent logistics for any cargo.
There are also railway scales and a parking lot for 200 railway carriage.

The total area is 43 hectares.

On a land plot of 22.4 hectares, the complex itself is located, which includes:
- finished product warehouse 5900 m2 (51,500 m3)
- dry pulp warehouse 2300 m2 (13900 m3)
- warehouse for bulk products 870 m2 (5200 m3)
- an open warehouse near the railway overpass 12200 m2
- administration building
- hotel

On a land plot of 13.2 and 11,5 hectares is located
beet points.

On a land plot of 8,3 hectares is located
empty playground.

On a land plot of 5,2 hectares is located
combined heat and power plant.

On a land plot of 3,9 hectares is located auto technical center.

On a land plot of 0,7hectares is located workshop for the production of oil and meal.

All heat, power and utilities communications are supplied to the enterprise.
An industrial gas pipeline is also connected.
The whole package of documents for real estate, all passports, cadastral numbers for land plots in one hand!