Business - Production of chelated microfertilizers

Kazakhstan, Almaty Region, Almaty - view exact location

Financial information

Payback period: On request

Gross Revenue: On request

Profit: On request

Cash flow: On request

Business information

Form of Ownership: Private ownership

Business status: Operating business

Terms of alienation: Other options

Number of staff: On request

Lifetime period: On request


I can organize a full-scale production of liquid micronutrient fertilizers with a chelated form of metals "from scratch."
From equipment procurement to production.

There are ready-made chelate formulations, about 20 different products - for different cultures. There are complex preparations - with several metals and monopreparations - they contain one chelated metal in high concentration.
The formulations are designed for full production of any capacity.
The products are currently used in many farms, the results are excellent.
Also, there is a technology for the production of a very effective synthetic plant growth stimulator.

There is experience in conducting all the necessary stages for the construction of production: writing specifications for products, communicating with regulatory authorities, conducting and acceptance of installation, construction and other types of work, conducting a chemical process and obtaining the final product with training of personnel.

What can I, briefly:
1. To represent the customer in the design organization. Control the writing of all chapters of the project.
2. Participate in obtaining technical specifications for engineering communications (water supply, power supply, etc.).
3. Select a complete set of necessary basic and additional equipment.
4. Control over the installation of equipment, connecting it to utility networks.
5. Development of recipes on the installed equipment, training technologists in the nuances of conducting processes, obtaining a trial batch of the product.
6. Selection and training of personnel ... Production logistics. Working out the production process of the entire range of products.
7. At the request of the customer: I write technical specifications for products, take part in the development of advertising projects, provide recommendations on containers, labels, etc. Small but important issues.