Selling Business - Operating woodworking enterprise

Ukraine, Zhytomyr Oblast, Berdychiv - view exact location

Financial information

Payback period: 2 year(s)

Gross Revenue: 450 000 USD in a year

Profit: On request

Cash flow: On request

Business information

Form of Ownership: Private ownership

Business status: Operating business

Terms of alienation: Simple sale

Number of staff: 55

Lifetime period: 2 year(s)


Sell ​​
Distance to Kiev - 185 km
Distance to Zhytomyr - 45 km
Production site (asphalt) - 8,000 m2
Production premises: 860 m2
Power supply 147 kW
Convenient transport interchange (near bypass road)
Administrative part:
Office space - 60 m2
Staff premises - 150 m2 (dining room, dressing room, showers, toilets). (renovated in 2017).
Basement room 220 m2 (renovated in 2017)
Household part:
Own boiler room (new equipment)
Own water supply (well )
Checkpoint + security
Total production aspiration
Local aspiration individual machines
Telehandler JCB TLT30D
production part:
Drying chambers - 210 m3 (3x70m3). (2x70m3 = 140m3 are involved)
Disk log saw SD-400
Multi- saw disk MS-160
Miter saw WDL MJ2445R
Band sawmill 11 kW
More information (details) on request.
(The price may vary as it takes into account the cost of inventory and raw materials)