• Date of publication: 31 August 2020
  • 1967
  • everything-for-business.com
  • Ford will invest $ 4 billion in the business of creating unmanned vehicles


    The American automaker announced the creation of a new division of Ford Autonomous Vehicles, which will specialize in the production of unmanned vehicles

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The American automaker announced the creation of a new division of Ford Autonomous Vehicles, which will specialize in the production of unmanned vehicles


As indicated in the press release of Ford, the new division will include the departments of integration of Ford's automated control systems, research of unmanned vehicles and advanced engineering developments, the development of infrastructure for the transport of unmanned vehicles, the expansion of user capabilities, business strategy and business development

Ford Autonomous Vehicles LLC will be headed by Ford Vice President, Manager of the Department of Autonomous Vehicles and Electrification, Sheriff Marakbi. The headquarters of the unit are located in Detroit.

It is noted that the ownership of the new unit will pass the share of Ford in the startup Argo AI, which develops artificial intelligence technologies for unmanned vehicles.

The American automaker expects to allocate $ 4 billion for the development of new business until 2023, including $ 1 billion investment in Argo AI.

As Ford stressed in its annual report that it considers drones vehicles to be one of the key consumer trends of 2017.

