Complex of buildings (metal processing).

Ukraine, Lviv Oblast, Boryslav - view exact location

Commercial Real Estate information

Terms of alienation: Simple sale

Owned Area Size: 1800 sq.m.

Owned Land Size: 8400 sq.m.


Sales complex budіvel zagalnoyu Area 1800m.kv
. Detailed vіdeo Glancing ob'єkta:
. OAO All budіvlі znahodyatsya in privatnіy vlasnostі
Teritorіalno about ' єkt is located 90 km from the Polish-Ukrainian Mitnitsa Shegini and 40 km from the highway M 06: Kiev-Chop.
Bilsh in detail about the phone call.
Proposition is given for your project, like va, so and for a passive investment of costs, a few ready-made rentals for the construction and stable payment of the rent.