REMOTE FOREX TRADING OFFER : AlgoTrading, 12 Currency Pairs, 25%+ Monthly Profit
Belarus, Vitebsk Region, Vitebsk - view exact locationFinancial information
Payback period: On request
Gross Revenue: On request
Profit: On request
Cash flow: On request
Business information
Form of Ownership: Private ownership
Business status: Operating business
Terms of alienation: Other options
Number of staff: On request
Lifetime period: On request
We offer remote leasing of robotised Forex trading (algotrading) systems for simultaneous management (trading) of minimum 12 currency pairs (up to 28 currency pairs - for premium service ) in an MT4 or MT5 trading account at target 25% or more monthly profit.
The Forex robots have been intensively researched and developed since 2008. It is the most powerful arsenal of Forex robots which guarantee capital protection amid severe and unpredictable market conditions via built-in automatic hedging function.
Since demo trading commenced on 10th July 2022, our Forex robots have so far closed 525 (five hundred and twenty-five) transactions (at current average of 16 trades per week) and currently record a floating 87.4% net trading profit.
Our Forex robots practically wage true "war" with severe and unpredictable market forces in order to make profits.
Our Forex robots trade very honestly, and any MT4 or MT5 Forex Broker will surely welcome them!
Our REMOTE LEASING OFFER means the Forex robots cannot be transferred to the Client under any circumstances. We remotely deploy the robots to trade any MT4 or MT5 Forex account at any location in the world. All we need are Trading Account Login details from the Client. Once robots are deployed, Clients shall have to monitor the account only with Investor's Password while our robots are managing the account; original Master Trader's Password shall be set to a "secret" value until our robots have stopped trading an account - to avoid third party's intervention in the account management.
REMOTE LEASING SERVICE SETUP FEE is US$2000.00 for US$100 000.00 or higher trading account for full twelve (12) months premium service.
We additionally charge 30% PERFORMANCE FEE off each completed month's net trading profit, and must be paid on the first day of the new month.
REMOTE LEASING SERVICE SETUP FEE is negotiable for a trading account with lower than US$100 000.00 trading capital.
Please freely ask any questions that you have.