Online store of electrical installation materials, installation of electrical cable

Ukraine, Kharkiv Oblast, Kharkiv - view exact location

Financial information

Payback period: year year(s)

Gross Revenue: 428 571 USD in a year

Profit: 20 000 USD in a year

Cash flow: 41 000 USD in a year

Business information

Form of Ownership: Private ownership

Business status: Operating business

Terms of alienation: Simple sale

Number of staff: 3

Lifetime period: 12 year(s)


Website traffic indicators for the calendar year (September 2020 to September 2021):
Users - 71,554
New users - 71,729
Pageviews - 208,256
Bounce rate - 5.75%
(traffic growth for the same period 19-20th year + 25%)

All nicely formatted, filled with description, tags, title, headings h 1, h 2, h 3

A competent and high-quality SEO optimization work has been done on the site. Great potential for improving positions in Google search results.

According to the main categories of goods, the site is in the TOP-5 of the Google search results. CMS - WP.

35 000 USD
Yuriy Joined since October 2021 Online 9 May 2022