Selling jewelry store

Ukraine, Chernivtsi Oblast, Chernivtsi - view exact location

Financial information

Payback period: до года year(s)

Gross Revenue: 3 400 USD in a year

Profit: 3 400 USD in a year

Cash flow: 5 800 USD in a year

Business information

Form of Ownership: Private ownership

Business status: Operating business

Terms of alienation: Simple sale

Number of staff: On request

Lifetime period: до года year(s)


-Convenient site, ready to work, with responsive design, perfectly working on all platforms -Customized CRM system, with bots that will interact with clients in messengers (telegram, vibe) -Finished branded jewelry brand: Logo, Business cards, Corporate identity Chum and Boxes -Instagram page -Shop's phone number, as well as mail -Fashionable, trendy jewelry for every taste (amounting to + -1100 $) -Contacts of suppliers: jewelry, branded boxes, packages and business cards Please familiarize yourself with the site itself: goldche