Alteration/Tailor opportunity with DryCleaners

Canada, Alberta Province, Calgary - view exact location

Financial information

Payback period: On request

Gross Revenue: On request

Profit: On request

Cash flow: On request

Business information

Form of Ownership: Private ownership

Business status: Operating business

Terms of alienation: Simple sale

Number of staff: 1

Lifetime period: 2 year(s)


This drycleaning pick up/drop off location is a perfect fit for an experienced seamstress or tailor. The revenue made from the drycleaning pays for all of your overhead and the total income of this space is growing monthly. Listed at under $100,000, this beautiful build out boasts fantastic signage, rapidly growing population and a steady clientelle. A fantastic opportunity for someone skilled in alterations. This space is also the only depot for UPS pick up that adds fantastic exposure.

Contact me for more info.