Latvia, Riga City, Riga - view exact location

Financial information

Payback period: On request

Gross Revenue: On request

Profit: 5 236 000 USD in a year

Cash flow: On request

Business information

Form of Ownership: Private ownership

Business status: Operating business

Terms of alienation: Simple sale

Number of staff: On request

Lifetime period: 22 year(s)


A large portfolio of commercial real estate in Latvia is offered for sale. consisting of 12 retail shopping centers. which was created. since 1997. by purchasing real estate. located in strategically important areas of the capital of Latvia in the city of Riga (10 shopping centers). and also in the nearby town - Salaspils (2 shopping centers). All facilities are very attractive. highly competitive locations - densely populated areas. surrounded by multi-storey residential buildings.

- An anchor tenant occupies about half of all space - one of the largest retail chains in Latvia. A financially stable company with a good reputation. with more than 25 years of successful corporate history.
- Other tenants: bank branches. pharmacies. a cafe. service companies. shops and many others.

Over the past 5 years, 85% of the premises have been renovated.

The company's management consists of 8 people.

There are opportunities for expansion due to the construction of new areas [as commercial. and residential] on the land plots owned by the company.

The company is 100% controlled by one shareholder. through one legal entity.

Real estate has no debt or other burdens.

Relatively simple business. does not require constant conceptual rearrangements. investment in marketing or hard-to-replace management personnel.

The company has a net operating annual income (NOI) of over 4.4 million euros

Sale price: on request

More details. as well as the sale of other business objects on our website: