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Round Solutions GmbH & Co. KG is a leading company in the industry that specializes in developing hardware and services for the Internet of Things (IoT). They provide component solutions for wireless machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, catering to customers of all sizes and sectors.
The company's modules, aerials, and design-in services enhance the value creation process for their customers. They offer the necessary technological framework for the development of new business models based on IoT, particularly for applications in Industry 4.0.
With a focus on providing comprehensive solutions, Round Solutions offers a range of hardware and services from a single source. Their ready-made hardware, including the modular expandable PingPong platform, comes equipped with a SIM card and cloud database, allowing software developers to easily utilize it as an IoT quick start kit for their own business process digitization applications.
In addition, Round Solutions offers a variety of high-performance aerials, including quadband and pentaband options, both external and embedded, to further enhance wireless connectivity options for their customers.
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