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Primegreen is a leading wholesaler in the cosmetics industry, specializing in premium quality natural ingredients. Our company is dedicated to delivering new and innovative products that will captivate your customers. We source our ingredients directly from suppliers in Peru and Ecuador, specifically from the coastal and Amazonian regions.
Our natural ingredients are rich in valuable fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins, offering a wide range of benefits such as moisturization, reinforcement of the skin barrier, anti-inflammatory properties, anti-bacterial properties, anti-aging effects, scalp health improvement, and hair strength enhancement. We carefully select our products based on their sustainability profile, ensuring that they contribute to healthier ecosystems.
Examples of our sustainable products include Moringa and Jojoba oil, derived from plants that thrive in arid environments and are cultivated using organic or low-input farming methods.
With a decade of experience in the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry and international business in Latin America and Europe, we have gained a deep understanding of how to provide a seamless supply experience. Our multilingual team, fluent in English, Spanish, French, Dutch, and German, is headquartered in Rotterdam, the largest port in Europe.
If you work in the cosmetics industry as a formulator, developer, or manufacturer, we would be thrilled to connect with you. Our goal is to make our new and exciting natural ingredients deliver unique value to your customers, while creating a positive triple bottom line impact for every link in the supply chain. At Primegreen, we are all about answering these questions with a resounding YES!
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