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Polibras-Abrasivos e Polimento S.A., established in 2000, is a highly specialized company in the production of abrasive and polishing materials for mechanical surface treatment in various industries. We offer a wide range of tools used for polishing, grinding, brushing, and deburring metal, wood, ceramic, stone, and leather surfaces.
With our exceptional engineering expertise and manufacturing skills, we have become one of the leading companies in this field. Our main objective is to achieve customer satisfaction by delivering excellent product quality, flexibility, and short delivery times.
To remain competitive in an increasingly globalized market, we continuously invest in expanding our product range and enhancing our competitiveness. We have a strong focus on foreign markets and cater to customers in different languages such as English, Portuguese, Spanish, German, Italian, and French.
In recognition of our outstanding performance, Polibras has been awarded the prestigious titles of \
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