Розташування на карті
Онлайн 26 жовтня 2023 На сайті з жовтня 2023
Онлайн 26 жовтня 2023 На сайті з жовтня 2023

Panfruit Ukraine is a Ukrainian brand that operates in the natural products industry. We specialize in crafting natural, innovative, and eco-friendly products that enhance our lives. Our belief in the importance of these three pillars - natural ingredients, innovation, and eco-friendly choices - stems from our dedication to a better quality of life. We prioritize the use of the freshest and most natural ingredients available in creating our products, valuing the gifts of nature. Moreover, we embrace technological progress by utilizing cutting-edge freeze-drying technologies that preserve up to 97% of the nutritional and flavor benefits in our products. As part of our commitment to sustainability, our in-house freeze-drying production practices maintain a harmonious relationship with nature, fostering biodiversity on our farms, and supporting the production of honey by bees through the availability of fruits and vegetables. These practices result in a range of healthy, 100% natural products that can be enjoyed anywhere and at any time. Whether you are at home, on the go, in the great outdoors, or even at the cinema, our products aim to provide you with the best of what Mother Earth has to offer, year-round.

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