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Pack TTI is a company that operates in the horticultural industry. The company is divided into three parts, each specializing in different aspects of the industry.
HortiHands focuses on trimming and harvesting machines for horticultural use. They offer a range of products including the EazyCut trimmers which can be operated by 1 or 2 persons, Venti Trimmers equipped with vacuum technology for efficient trimming (clipmaster Lommers), and RAP spherical trimmers.
VegHands specializes in harvesting, sorting, weighing, and packaging machines specifically designed for vegetables and herbs. Their product lineup includes VegBeet harvesting belts, VegSmart weighing and sorting machines, VegPack flowpackaging machines, VegKing and Sroka vegetable and herb bundling lines, as well as VegLead washing and drying machines for vegetables.
FlowerHands focuses on flower bundling lines and binding machines. Their offerings include FH 1400 small flower processing lines, BTM flower bundling lines ranging from 3 to 24 meters, Cyklop professional binders, and Sleeve holders and deleafers.
Overall, Pack TTI is a company that provides a comprehensive range of machinery for various needs in the horticultural, vegetable, herb, and flower industries.
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