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OBO Bettermann is a leading manufacturer in the electrical infrastructure industry, specializing in installation systems that conduct electricity, route data, and control energy. Our high-quality branded products and services include around 30,000 electrical solutions for various projects in industries, businesses, and infrastructure.
With a global network and operations in over 60 countries, OBO serves as a reliable provider for engineers and craftspeople worldwide. Our team of approximately 4,200 employees is dedicated to building connections and ensuring the seamless flow of power, energy, and data.
We pride ourselves on our commitment to innovation, customer satisfaction, and continuous improvement. By aligning our company with the evolving needs of our customers, we consistently develop and enhance our systems to guarantee the long-term success of our entire organization.
As a trusted partner, our goal is to be the first choice for the best and most innovative electrical and data technology infrastructure connections. With our global presence, we utilize digital technologies to foster connections between people, products, and cultures, breaking barriers and bridging distances.
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