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Nous Le Savons is a local soap maker based in Grenoble, located in the heart of the Alps. Established in 2017, the company specializes in producing organic and natural cosmetics with the Nature & Progrès label. Committed to sustainability and social responsibility, Nous Le Savons carefully selects only the finest ingredients for its French-manufactured products. The company's range includes mild and exfoliating soaps, solid shampoos, deodorants, balms, natural mosquito repellent, and more. In addition to using local raw materials and implementing water-saving practices, the company partners with a center for disabled adults and focuses on a short circuit economy. Nous Le Savons offers environmentally-friendly, ethical, and affordable products that can be packaged in compostable materials or on a deposit basis. The soap making factory is equipped to supply retail outlets, purchasing pools, and wholesalers with both own label and white label goods in the cosmetics industry.
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