Все для

Kiev Shipping LTD, established in 2000, is an experienced company specializing in organizing reliable sea transportations worldwide. We handle a variety of bulk and general cargo including timber, grains, coal, metal, fertilizers, and bagged cargoes. Our focus is on finding the safest and most cost-effective sea transportation solutions for our clients' needs, excluding container services.
Cooperating with Kiev Shipping LTD grants you access to:
- High-class ship chartering services
- Professional sea freight brokerage for seamless cargo deliveries
- A motivated and qualified team proficient in bulk and break bulk transportations
- An experienced and trustworthy partner with an impeccable reputation
Additionally, we offer expert shipping management services for ship owners operating general cargo and bulk vessels. In the realm of international commodity trading, we excel in supplying large quantities of wheat, feed wheat, NON-GMO corn, soybeans, rape seeds, various types of coal, and Turkish wheat flour. Our preferred payment method is the standard DLC LC, and we do not require any upfront fees to be paid.
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