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In Grupo IAM, we specialize in cutting processes such as wire electroerosion, waterjet cutting, and micro cutting. Our company was founded in 1981 and is equipped with the latest technologies to meet the current demands of the industry.
IAM (Industria Auxiliar de Matricería S.A.) was established to provide wire and penetration electroerosion cutting services for the manufacturing of dies, molds, and special parts.
IAMCUT S.L. was created to offer high-pressure waterjet and abrasive cutting services. With our modern equipment and extensive experience, we cater to various sectors including aerospace, railway, naval, petrochemical, machinery manufacturing, solar, and more.
IAMMICRO specializes in high-pressure waterjet cutting with MICRO capabilities, catering to high precision and complex parts with low thickness in various materials such as copper, titanium, stainless steel, plastics, fibers, and more. This division serves clients in the medical, electronics, orthopedic, and other related sectors.
We serve the industrial demand of toolmakers, moldmakers, and die makers, as well as sectors such as automotive, electronics, electric motors, machinery, and more. Our company has a dedicated quality control department that ensures the verification of all parts.
Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, we are capable of producing highly complex parts within extremely short timeframes, guaranteeing a fast, efficient, and high-quality service.
Our production facilities include:
- 2 CHARMILLES 510 wire electroerosion machines (700x400x400mm)
- 1 CHARMILLES 440 wire electroerosion machine (500x300x400mm)
- 1 AGIE CLASSIC 3 wire electroerosion machine (500x350x420mm)
- 1 AGIE CHALLANGE wire electroerosion machine (500x300x250mm)
- 1 ONA PRIMA E-400 wire electroerosion machine (600x400x400mm)
- 1 FANUC ROBOCUT C600 wire electroerosion machine (600x400x410mm)
- 1 SODICK AQ35L penetration electroerosion machine (400x350x300mm)
- 1 ONA DATIC D 360 penetration electroerosion.
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