Розташування на карті
Онлайн 4 Серпня 2023 На сайті з Серпня 2023
Онлайн 4 Серпня 2023 На сайті з Серпня 2023

FinA is a comprehensive J2EE platform that provides Management Information Systems (MIS), Business Intelligence (BI), and Performance Management (PM) solutions for supervisors in the financial industry. Our platform enables banks, Micro Finance Institutions (MFI), Cooperatives, Insurance Companies, and other financial institutions to easily receive and analyze data.

The FinA platform offers an array of features that streamline operations and improve efficiency. Its Meta structure designer allows users to customize the platform to suit their specific needs. The report designer, built on a flexible and spreadsheet-based (LO) framework, empowers users to create dynamic reports effortlessly.

Our data collection system, an integral part of the FinA platform, includes a user-friendly web portal and an automated e-mail robot that connects seamlessly with the FinA core through the data converter. This system dramatically reduces manual operations and enhances the processing of financial returns from institutions.

Technologically advanced, FinA utilizes JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final, Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1, Google Web Toolkit GWT 2.4, JBoss WS 4.1.0, and is fully compatible with popular databases such as Mysql (MS SQL | Oracle).

The FinA platform has been successfully implemented in numerous African and Asian countries, establishing a proven track record of delivering effective financial management solutions.

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