Все для

We specialize in concept, design, and integration of electronics and mechatronic systems. Our services range from creating show-room demos and prototypes, to developing test and research platforms. We adhere to IPC standards and utilize enhanced devices for electronic and power electronic projects. Additionally, we stay up-to-date with the latest technologies, such as CPLD and distributed approaches, to ensure optimal performance.
Our expertise extends to low-level control firm and middle-ware applications, including DSP, C language, kinematics, command interpreters, CAN bus, and control of various actuators like voice coil and Brushless, with the ability to directly program from Simulink@.
We also excel in designing and implementing actuators that are integrated with mechanisms and incorporate permanent magnets. Our mechatronic team has extensive experience in PCB design, including library development, BOM management, and overseeing the manufacturing process.
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