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Dutch Scrap Recycling B.V. is a prominent player in the scrap recycling industry in the Netherlands. As the leading trader in various materials including Iron, Aluminium, copper, plastic, rubber, paper, and copper cathode scraps, our company has been at the forefront of innovative recycling practices for over a century.
We take pride in being a family business that has continued to thrive and adapt over four generations. Our commitment to excellence and sustainability has fueled our growth, enabling us to expand our operations to four countries.
With a dedicated workforce of over 200 employees, Dutch Scrap Recycling B.V. is able to efficiently and effectively recycle a wide range of materials, contributing to the circular economy. We strive to not only meet but exceed industry standards, ensuring that the materials we handle are processed in an environmentally friendly manner.
As we continue to evolve, our focus remains on finding innovative solutions that maximize resource efficiency and reduce waste. Dutch Scrap Recycling B.V. is driven by a passion for sustainability and remains dedicated to shaping the future of the recycling industry.
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