Розташування на карті
Онлайн 24 жовтня 2023 На сайті з жовтня 2023
Онлайн 24 жовтня 2023 На сайті з жовтня 2023

Cleanpod Hand Disinfectant Stand is a product produced with our own brand at our Bora Çelik, Eskişehir plant. It was specifically developed to meet the disinfection needs of various areas with a minimal and stylish design. The stand does not require any touch or additional energy source, making it stand-alone and easy to use. It is also decorative, durable, and does not require any mounting or demounting. Adding disinfection liquid is simple, and the stand is compact and does not require cleaning. Additionally, it has antibacterial surfaces, providing convenience and ensuring health and hygiene. Our high-tech machines and materials contribute to its effectiveness. Furthermore, our totem products feature logo application through decoupage, silk screening, and foil print using our corporate graphic design.

Karum Disinfectant Cabin is a cutting-edge solution that effectively eliminates microorganisms by reaching every corner of the cabin. Our ozone application is known for being the strongest in the industry. The cabin's interior showcases a harmonious design with glass and metal, coated with nano-tech TiO2 for enhanced protection. It also features a negative compressed air disinfection system and an exhaust ventilation system to maintain negative pressure.

Vento Disinfectant Tunnel utilizes advanced aerosol misting technology to achieve full coverage with a minimal but effective amount of disinfectant. Disinfectant is sprayed from 10 points, ensuring all areas of a person's body are covered. Merely spending 5 seconds in this disinfection zone guarantees a homogeneous coating with the disinfection solution.

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