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Boost Drinks, established in 2001, is a company that aims to disrupt the energy drinks market by offering high-quality, delicious energy drinks at affordable prices to independent retailers. We differentiate ourselves from big-name brands and supermarkets by providing excellent profit margins to our partner retailers.
We constantly keep an eye on emerging trends and evolving consumer preferences. This allows us to introduce new variants like sport, protein, and iced coffee drinks to cater to the diverse tastes of our customers. We value the feedback of our customers and regularly communicate their preferences to our retail partners, ensuring they stock the products that shoppers actually want.
We are not content with resting on our laurels. Instead, we continuously strive to expand our customer base and reach new Boost enthusiasts. Through innovative product development and compelling promotions, we create mutually beneficial opportunities for both retailers and shoppers.
Having achieved success in our domestic market, we have set our sights on global expansion. Our ambition is to introduce our complete range of functional drinks to an international audience. Partnering with us will enable you to complement your existing portfolio, attracting new consumers and positioning yourself as a challenger brand in a thrilling industry.
At Boost Drinks, our core values define who we are: we are Brave, Open-minded, and seize Opportunities in everything we do. We believe that Simplicity is key to success and that Together, we can achieve great things.
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