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BFT GmbH, a leading manufacturer of high-pressure systems and components, is based in Hönigsberg, Austria. With over 50 years of experience in high-pressure technology, BFT is the largest European manufacturer of pumps with operating pressures ranging from 2000 to 12,000 bar. The company, formerly known as BHDT GmbH (Böhler Hochdrucktechnik), was established in 1958 as a dynamic spin-off.
Under the brand name BFT, the company is known for its Best Fluid Technology, visionary engineering performance, efficient comprehensive solutions, and Made in Austria quality. BFT's core business areas include high-pressure pumps and components for system manufacturers and end customers in the water jet cutting industry. Additionally, BFT provides dosing pumps for injecting peroxides in LDPE installations for polyethylene production, pressure test systems, valve test stations, and autofrettage systems.
BFT has a strong international presence, with system partners representing the company in over 20 countries across Europe, Asia, North America, and South America. BFT is part of the Dr. Aichhorn Group.
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