Файл/Папка звіту

Китай, Пекін місто, Пекін - подивитися точне місце розташування

Інформація про товар

Обсяг замовлення від: За запитом

Умови доставки: Самовивіз

Основна інформація

Introducing our revolutionary product specifically designed for the retail industry - the Marking Solution for Shelves and Metallic Containers. This innovative solution features one or two magnetic stripes, ensuring a secure hold of the pockets in which it is placed. Our product takes convenience to the next level with the ability to easily scan barcodes through the front foil, eliminating the need for manual removal or lifting. This saves time and effort for retail staff, enhancing overall productivity.To ensure durability and longevity, our marking solution is crafted with a 300 mµ thick PVC film on the backside. This sturdy construction ensures resistance against wear and tear, making it perfect for the demanding retail environment.With our marking solution, organizing and categorizing your shelves and metallic containers becomes effortless, allowing for seamless stock management and efficient customer service. Experience the convenience and reliability of our advanced product today.

Ціна за запитом
Nikki На сайті з липня 2023 Онлайн 27 липня 2023