Бездротовий датчик тиску води

Польща, Мазовецьке воєводство, Варшава - подивитися точне місце розташування

Інформація про товар

Обсяг замовлення від: За запитом

Умови доставки: Самовивіз

Основна інформація

Introducing the DCX-38 water level data loggers, specially designed for precise measurements in the mbar range. This cutting-edge technology boasts an impressive total error band of just 1 mm, ensuring accurate and reliable detection of water levels. With a measuring range of 0.5 m water column and a compensated temperature range of -10 to 40 °C, these loggers are perfect for various water level applications.Equipped with a long-life battery, the DCX-38 data loggers can continuously measure water levels, water pressure, and temperature for years on end. In fact, they can operate for up to 10 years, capturing one measurement per hour. This remarkable longevity makes these loggers an ideal choice for long-term monitoring projects.Configuring the logger is a breeze, thanks to the supplied software. Users have the flexibility to adjust various settings such as measurement intervals, incident management, and delayed measurement start. Plus, the gathered data can be easily visualized in graph or chart formats, allowing for comprehensive analysis. Additionally, the software supports conversion of data into fill levels or other units, enabling seamless integration with existing systems.The DCX-38 data loggers offer unparalleled accuracy, reliability, and versatility in the water level measurement industry. Whether it be for environmental research, hydrological studies, or water resource management, these loggers are the ultimate solution for professionals seeking top-notch performance. Choose the DCX-38 and experience the future of water level measurement technology.