Промислові барабанні/IBC нагрівальні печі

Великобританія, Англія, Великий Лондон, Лондон - подивитися точне місце розташування

Інформація про товар

Обсяг замовлення від: За запитом

Умови доставки: Самовивіз

Основна інформація

Our company specializes in manufacturing top-of-the-line Industrial Ovens specifically designed for heating drums and IBCs (Intermediate Bulk Containers) used in various industries. These ovens are capable of achieving temperature ranges exceeding 100 degrees Celsius and 150 degrees Celsius, ensuring efficient and effective heating processes.Our ovens are equipped with versatile heating systems, including electric, steam, gas, or thermal oil, all of which generate consistent and controlled heat. To maximize heat distribution and circulation within the oven, we have incorporated air circulation features.Our ovens are available in a wide range of sizes, catering to different production needs. From smaller capacities of 4 drums or 1 IBC to larger capacities of 48 drums or 12 IBCs, we have a solution to fit every requirement.For any inquiries or orders within the United Kingdom, please get in touch with Richard Davies. You can reach Richard at 0+************1 or email him directly at ******@***.