Блоки регулювання температури

Румунія, Бухарест муніципій, Бухарест - подивитися точне місце розташування

Інформація про товар

Обсяг замовлення від: За запитом

Умови доставки: Самовивіз


Introducing the enersave high-performance temperature control device - the pinnacle of efficiency and effectiveness in the industry. Our cutting-edge design, precise dimensioning, and careful selection of components make our systems the most efficient on the market, boasting the highest flow rates at operating point.The enersave selection series combines the most sought-after equipment features and heating performance of our trusted premium series. The result is the protemp selection temperature control unit, perfectly suited for supplying multi-circuit water distributors. With the capability to display up to 6 external proflow temperature control channels, this unit is a versatile powerhouse.Experience unparalleled cooling capacity and reduced energy consumption with enersave. Our high-performance temperature control device is the ideal choice for industries demanding top-notch performance and efficiency.