Сумка на блискавці з огірками без кісточок Sunset Snacking 1,5 фунта

США, Іллінойс штат, Чикаго - подивитися точне місце розташування

Інформація про товар

Обсяг замовлення від: За запитом

Умови доставки: Самовивіз


[Product Description]Introducing our high-quality strapping product, equipped with excellent tying strength and zero tying errors thanks to our superior resin quality made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE). Our product stands out in the industry for its unrivaled performance.[Product Features]The unique softness of our strapping ensures that packages are tightly secured without any visible damage. With three times the length in each coil, our product allows for longer usage, reducing the frequency of coil changes. Additionally, the color, length, and weight of our strapping can be customized to meet customers' specific requirements and preferences.[Product Use]Our top-grade strapping finds extensive use as the primary material for packaging across various sectors. It is widely utilized in agriculture, horticulture, printing, food processing, manufacturing, the building industry, wholesale stores, public procurement, home appliances, and electronics company box packaging.[Company Information]At our company, our primary objective is to provide industry-leading packaging products and solutions at competitive prices. With our experience as a spin-off from Shins brothers and our collaboration with KIC, we have established ourselves as a reliable manufacturer of packaging machinery and materials. We are dedicated to fulfilling our customers' demands with the highest quality standards.