Світлодіодна трубка T8 з очищенням повітря з негативними іонами

Китай, Шанхай місто, Шанхай - подивитися точне місце розташування

Інформація про товар

Обсяг замовлення від: За запитом

Умови доставки: Самовивіз

Основна інформація

Introducing our powerful air purifiers specifically designed for improving air quality in large public and commercial areas. Whether it's canteens, refectories, retirement homes, cinemas, open-plan offices, or fitness studios, our air purifiers are perfect for these spaces.The basic version of our air purifiers features a two-stage filtration system that includes a pre-filter and a high-efficiency aerosol filter (HEPA filter). This combination effectively removes airborne particles and ensures clean and breathable air in the surroundings.For added protection, our air purifiers can also be equipped with a switchable UV-C lamp. This optional feature eliminates harmful pathogens and further enhances the air purification process.One of the standout features of our air purifiers is their exceptional air exchange rate of 5000 m³/h. This makes them perfectly suited for large halls, event rooms, and canteens, where a high volume of air circulation is essential. Additionally, the air purifiers are designed with stable castors, allowing easy mobility and seamless transportation through standard doors.Our air purifiers find applications in various industries. They are highly suitable for medical settings such as group practices and laboratories, ensuring a clean and sterile environment. They are also ideal for public spaces like retirement homes, nurseries, schools, and museums, where maintaining a healthy atmosphere is crucial. Furthermore, commercial establishments such as open-plan offices, cinemas, dance studios, and restaurants can greatly benefit from our air purifiers.The application spectrum of our air purifiers is vast. They effectively remove aerosols, viruses, and bacteria, providing a safe and hygienic environment. They also target common allergens such as mold spores, pet hairs, house dust mites, pollen, and dust – making them an excellent choice for allergy sufferers.Invest in our air purifiers today for cleaner, fresher air in large public and commercial areas. .

Ціна за запитом
Angela На сайті з липня 2023 Онлайн 10 липня 2023