Німеччина, Берлін земля, Берлін - подивитися точне місце розташування

Інформація про товар

Обсяг замовлення від: За запитом

Умови доставки: Самовивіз

Основна інформація

Introducing the BEV-G, a reliable and efficient single-stage valve that focuses on the first ventilation stage, also known as coarse ventilation. Developed as an alternative to the two-stage valve (BEV-GF), the BEV-G eliminates the need for pressure coordination in this stage, as coarse ventilation automatically closes under pressure.Specifically designed for the needs of various industries, including sloped pressure lines, the BEV-G Type G valve effectively ventilates individual sections while serving as a low-pressure safety feature. It allows air to escape until the medium reaches a certain point, at which the valve automatically closes to ensure uninterrupted flow. Ideal for situations where quick ventilation of high points is required but fine ventilation is not necessary, the BEV-G saves valuable time by enabling short pumping run times. With its robust construction and dedicated focus on coarse ventilation, the BEV-G is a valuable addition to any industrial setting, providing efficient and reliable ventilation solutions.

Ціна за запитом
Stacy На сайті з липня 2023 Онлайн 8 липня 2023