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Інформація про товар

Обсяг замовлення від: За запитом

Умови доставки: Самовивіз

Основна інформація

Gillette Fusion5 men's razor blade refills are designed with five anti-friction blades, ensuring a shave that is incredibly smooth and barely perceptible. These blades are specifically crafted for men and are perfect for achieving a close shave without irritation. The product also features a precision trimmer located on the back, making it easy to reach tricky areas and groom facial hair with precision.

To enhance the shaving experience, these refills are equipped with a lubrication strip that gradually fades away to indicate when it's time to replace the blade for optimal performance. Each razor blade refill is designed to last up to one month, providing you with long-lasting value.

Compatibility is not an issue with Fusion5 men's razor blade refills, as they are suitable for all Fusion5 and Fusion5 Power razors. This versatility ensures that you can continue enjoying an exceptional shaving experience regardless of the type of razor you prefer.

Gillette, a well-established brand in the industry, has a history of delivering high-quality razors. Formerly known as Gillette Fusion, the company continues to innovate and provide innovative shaving solutions.

In conclusion, Gillette Fusion5 men's razor blade refills offer a premium shaving experience with their advanced technology and ergonomic design. Choose these refills to experience a comfortable, precise, and long-lasting shave.