
США, Нью-Джерсі штат, Уест-Нью-Йорк - подивитися точне місце розташування

Інформація про товар

Обсяг замовлення від: За запитом

Умови доставки: Самовивіз

Основна інформація

Geomagic Design X is a powerful software designed specifically for the reverse engineering industry. It seamlessly combines history-based CAD with advanced 3D scan data processing capabilities. With this software, you can effortlessly create feature-based, editable solid models that are fully compatible with your existing CAD software.

One of the main advantages of Geomagic Design X is that it enables you to get to market faster. By streamlining the reverse engineering process, it allows you to quickly bring your products to the market, giving you a competitive edge. Additionally, this software also enhances your design capabilities, providing you with more flexibility and creative freedom.

Accelerating time to market is another significant benefit of Geomagic Design X. By automating many aspects of the reverse engineering workflow, it reduces the time and effort required to develop high-quality models. This means you can save valuable time and resources, ensuring that your products reach customers in a timely manner.

Furthermore, Geomagic Design X seamlessly integrates with your CAD environment, enhancing its functionality. It allows you to seamlessly transfer data between different CAD software, ensuring smooth collaboration between design teams. This integration also improves workflow efficiency and reduces errors, ultimately improving the overall CAD environment.

In summary, Geomagic Design X is the industry's most comprehensive reverse engineering software. Its advanced features, such as history-based CAD and 3D scan data processing, enable you to create feature-based, editable solid models with ease. With this software, you can get to market faster, broaden your design capabilities, accelerate time to market, and enhance your CAD environment.