TactileGlove - Вимірювання тиску та сили руки

Великобританія, Англія, Великий Лондон, Лондон - подивитися точне місце розташування

Інформація про товар

Обсяг замовлення від: За запитом

Умови доставки: Самовивіз

Основна інформація

The PPS TactileGloves are innovative gloves designed specifically for the industry. These gloves feature embedded sensing elements throughout the palm and fingers, allowing for natural and accurate testing of pressures applied to and exerted by the hand. With 65 individual highly sensitive sensing elements in each glove, nearly any hand operation can be measured accurately.

The Sensor Glove Features of the PPS TactileGloves include ensuring a natural test environment, making it the only glove hand sensor on the market. These gloves are user-friendly and comfortable to wear, with no adhesives or wires to get in your way. The high-resolution, sensitive sensors detect even the lowest pressures, measuring as low as 0.1oz (3g).

The PPS TactileGloves are designed to handle the real world, as they are wireless and battery-powered. This ensures freedom of movement and convenience during testing. The gloves are delivered in pairs, with both left and right gloves included. They are available in small, medium, and large sizes to accommodate different hand sizes.

For more information, you can refer to the TactileGlove Datasheet provided by the manufacturer, PPS UK (PRESSURE PROFILE SYSTEMS). They are based in G1 1RD Glasgow, United Kingdom. If you have any further inquiries, you can contact them via email.