Королівські тонка-боби

Венесуела, Каракас федеральний округ, Каракас - подивитися точне місце розташування

Інформація про товар

Обсяг замовлення від: За запитом

Умови доставки: Самовивіз

Основна інформація

Introducing our premium product - Tonka Absolute, sourced directly from the indigenous communities of Caura in the Bolivar State. This exquisite ingredient is wild harvested from January to May, ensuring its exceptional quality and authenticity.

With an annual production minimum of 40 tonnes, we are committed to delivering a consistent supply of this natural treasure. Tonka Absolute finds its versatile application in various industries, including high perfumery, confectionery, and the flavoring of tobacco, chocolates, and liqueurs.

But it's not just about its delightful aroma and taste. Tonka Absolute also offers numerous health benefits. Known to prevent embolisms and thrombosis, it helps in forestalling the formation of edemas or clots. Moreover, it soothes pain caused by varicose veins, alleviates pain from sprains and bruises, and even relieves premenstrual discomfort.

Rest assured, our tonka beans are organically grown, ensuring the preservation of the environment and the sustainability of this valuable resource.

Experience the wonders of Tonka Absolute, brought to you by COMERCIALIZADORA ARINVE, C.A. located in Caracas, Venezuela. Contact us today to explore the limitless possibilities of incorporating this natural treasure into your products.