100% Арабіка або Конільйон Кава, зелена або обсмажена

Бразилія, Сан-Паулу Штат, Сан-Карлус (Сан-Паулу Штат) - подивитися точне місце розташування

Інформація про товар

Обсяг замовлення від: За запитом

Умови доставки: Самовивіз

Основна інформація

Product Description:

Our Natural coffee provides a sweet and bodied cup that is obtained from processes that do not extract the skin of the fruits. Instead, the fruit is dried in its natural form, preserving the distinct flavor and aroma that comes from the fields.

This coffee has a caffeine level ranging between 0.8% and 1.4%, ensuring a moderate caffeine content that is suitable for all coffee lovers. The sugar content falls between 6% and 9%, adding a subtle sweetness to each sip.

With essential oils present between 15% and 17%, this Natural coffee offers a rich and flavorful experience. The distinct, sweet, and mild flavor profiles create a delightful sensory experience.

The acidity and body of this coffee are at a higher level, providing a well-balanced and robust cup. The agricultural practices involved in its production require greater complexity and care, resulting in a meticulous harvest that is selective and manual.

For those who appreciate the true essence of coffee, our Natural coffee offers a unique experience that showcases the best qualities of the fruit. Enjoy every sip and indulge in the craftsmanship of our coffee producers in Goiania, Brazil. Contact us for more information on this exceptional agricultural commodity.