Ручна браслетка з намистин \

Словенія, Осреднесловенска регия, Любляна - подивитися точне місце розташування

Інформація про товар

Обсяг замовлення від: За запитом

Умови доставки: Самовивіз

Основна інформація

Introducing ORNAMENTICO GROUP, a versatile crafts company that initially focused on exploring and incorporating ornaments of minorities into embroidery pendants. Over time, our crafts have expanded to include a diverse range of products such as jewelry, interior decor, soap, Christmas decorations, paper cards, and more. Nestled in the heart of the Julian Alps, we have recently enriched our collection by incorporating natural materials like wood and stone. Our skilled artisans now craft a variety of items including candleholders, pendants, bracelets, earrings, embroidery, patchwork quilts, keyholders, soap, Christmas cards and decorations, boxes for small items, and flowerpot decorations. Our passion for innovation drives us to continuously explore new techniques and materials, such as woods, beads, mosaics, and stones. Every piece we create, whether it's jewelry or small interior items, is crafted with love and patience. From embroidery to beading, from woodwork to paper crafts, from candleholders to mirror frames, and from painted cards to quilts, we ensure that each object is made with utmost care. We believe that a sense of humor is essential, as it helps us navigate through difficult times, so you can expect to find a touch of laughter and fun in our creations. Check out our website for more information.