
Болгарія, Софійська область, Софія - подивитися точне місце розташування

Інформація про товар

Обсяг замовлення від: За запитом

Умови доставки: Самовивіз

Основна інформація

The rapeseed oil is produced using traditional mechanical presses and a filtering process, resulting in its natural clarity, light color, and distinct aroma characteristic of rapeseed oil. This oil serves multiple purposes in various industries, including biofuels and fodder mixtures. It is valued for its rich composition of unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants, making it a highly beneficial ingredient. Farmers often opt for rapeseed oil in their livestock's diets due to its numerous advantages.

In livestock farming, maintaining high productivity and a balanced calorie intake is crucial. To meet these requirements, it is essential to provide animals with energy-dense food. Rapeseed oil is commonly added to fodder mixtures to enhance their nutritional value by increasing protein content, particularly in swine diets. Additionally, the inclusion of rapeseed oil gives the fodder a more adhesive texture, making it easier to consume. Animals find the taste preferable as well. Another advantage of incorporating rapeseed oil in fodder is the reduction of dust particles in farm utility rooms, minimizing the risk of inhalation.