Лінзи кулясті та півкулясті для волоконних лазерів

Іспанія, Кастилія-Ла-Манча автономне співтовариство, Мадрідехос - подивитися точне місце розташування

Інформація про товар

Обсяг замовлення від: За запитом

Умови доставки: Самовивіз

Основна інформація

Knight Optical offers UV Fused Silica Lenses specifically designed for applications with Solid State Lasers. These lenses are an excellent choice due to their exceptional transmission capabilities in the UV/VIS/NIR regions. They can be utilized with various laser types, such as Titanium-doped sapphire and Alexandrite, without compromising performance.

UV FS lenses can be compared to N-BK7 and other similar optical glasses in terms of performance. They exhibit similar average transmission across the VIS range up to approximately 2000nm, albeit with a slightly lower refractive index. The Abbe constants of UV FS lenses are also closely aligned with those of N-BK7, although slightly higher.

For more detailed specifications, please refer to the PDF document provided.