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Великобританія, Англія, Великий Лондон, Лондон - подивитися точне місце розташування

Інформація про товар

Обсяг замовлення від: За запитом

Умови доставки: Самовивіз

Основна інформація

Experience the ultimate sensory delight with Feels ginger extract! Our product is specifically designed to bring a touch of passion to your world. The enticing aroma of lychee will captivate your senses from the moment you take your first sip. What sets Feels apart is its unique blend of CBD and other carefully selected ingredients. By combining relaxing terpenes with powerful aphrodisiac extracts like ginseng and ginger, we have created a formula that redefines the art of seduction. Whether you prefer it chilled with ice cubes or without, rest assured that the temperature will quickly heat up. Get ready to ignite the fire within you with Feels ginger extract.