
Польща, Мазовецьке воєводство, Варшава - подивитися точне місце розташування

Інформація про товар

Обсяг замовлення від: За запитом

Умови доставки: Самовивіз

Основна інформація

Introducing LPHC - Acrylic-Aluminium Humidification Chambers

Designed to complement our Mini One microclimate generator, LPHC is a range of high-quality chambers specifically crafted to maintain optimal humidity levels. Built with a combination of durable black acrylic and aluminium, LPHC offers a sleek and modern design that seamlessly integrates with any environment.

We provide two standard sizes of LPHC, but we also offer customization options to cater to unique client requirements. Whether you need a larger chamber or have specific size preferences, we can create a bespoke LPHC tailored to your specifications.

The body of the LPHC is crafted from black acrylic, offering both durability and aesthetics. The front doors are made from clear acrylic, allowing for easy visibility and monitoring. RH (relative humidity) levels are effectively controlled through our efficient Mini One microclimate generator, ensuring a stable and optimal environment for your valuable items.

For specialized needs, we also offer custom stainless steel chambers. These chambers are constructed entirely from stainless steel, providing enhanced durability and dependability. Designed according to the specific expectations of our clients, these chambers allow for comprehensive control over microclimate factors such as relative humidity, temperature, and oxygen levels.

Our stainless steel chambers can be built with glass doors, allowing for visibility similar to the LPHC chambers shown in the accompanying photo. However, for applications that require modified oxygen levels, we provide solid, specially sealed doors. Achieving low oxygen levels is made possible through the use of a nitrogen generator or liquid nitrogen.

In summary, our LPHC chambers are designed to offer effective humidification capabilities, seamlessly integrating with our Mini One microclimate generator. With customizable options available and the addition of our specialized stainless steel chambers, we provide a comprehensive solution to control humidity, temperature, and oxygen, ensuring the perfect microclimate for preserving your valuable items.