Румунія, Бухарест муніципій, Бухарест - подивитися точне місце розташування

Інформація про товар

Обсяг замовлення від: За запитом

Умови доставки: Самовивіз

Основна інформація

Introducing the Euroholder – a versatile and essential tool for numerous industries. With three distinct dimensions available, our Euroholder range offers the perfect fit for various applications.

The M347 Euroholder measures 45x50mm, providing a compact yet sturdy solution. Whether you need to secure documents, display important information, or organize materials, this size is ideal for your needs.

For slightly larger requirements, the M402 Euroholder is sized at 50x60mm. Its increased dimensions offer a bit more space, allowing for greater visibility and flexibility in usage. Whatever your industry demands, this Euroholder size can accommodate your needs.

Lastly, we have the M591 Euroholder, measuring 40x29mm. Although petite in size, it packs a punch in functionality. Perfect for situations where space is limited, this Euroholder can display small documents or serve as a labeling tool.

Irrespective of the industry you operate in – be it retail, hospitality, education, or healthcare – our Euroholders provide unparalleled convenience and versatility. Choose the Euroholder dimensions that suit your specific requirements and ensure efficient organization and display of important information.