Середнє ГЕПА

Німеччина, Берлін земля, Берлін - подивитися точне місце розташування

Інформація про товар

Обсяг замовлення від: За запитом

Умови доставки: Самовивіз

Основна інформація

Introducing our innovative Hybrid filters - a cutting-edge product at the forefront of filter technology. These filters boast a proprietary and patented pleat technology, making them a game-changer in the industry. With a state-of-the-art 3-layer filter media design, each layer is carefully crafted to possess distinct characteristics, ensuring unparalleled filtration efficiency.

Not only are our Hybrid filters an exceptional solution, but they also serve as a convenient substitute for standard bag filters and panel filters. We have thoroughly tested our filters to meet the rigorous standards set by renowned organizations such as EN779, ISO16890, and Ahsrae 52.2.

Experience the next generation of filters with our Hybrid filters, meticulously designed to deliver superior performance and reliability in various industries.