
Нідерланди, Північна Голландія провінція, Амстердам (Північна Голландія провінція) - подивитися точне місце розташування

Інформація про товар

Обсяг замовлення від: За запитом

Умови доставки: Самовивіз

Основна інформація

As a leading cosmetics manufacturer, our company specializes in creating private label products, partnering with well-known brands, and developing our own Hegron brand. With a rich history dating back to the 1950s, our journey began with a hairdressing salon in Zaanstad. Originally, we produced cosmetic products exclusively for our salon's use.

However, the exceptional quality and positive feedback received for our hair sprays and brilliantine products prompted us to make a strategic decision. In 1960, we decided to enter the cosmetics market officially. Through successful networking and connecting with potential buyers, we soon secured a partnership with a renowned Zaandam supermarket. They recognized the value of Hegron cosmetic products and started selling them across twenty of their branches.

Our commitment to excellence and dedication to meeting the needs of our customers have been the driving forces behind our success in the cosmetics industry. Today, we continue to create high-quality products that promote beauty and enhance self-confidence. Whether it is through our private label collaborations, trusted brand partnerships, or our own Hegron line, we strive to deliver exceptional cosmetics that cater to diverse preferences and demands.

At our core, we embrace innovation, remain attentive to market trends, and prioritize customer satisfaction. As a result, we have established ourselves as a leading force in the cosmetics industry, trusted by retailers and consumers alike.